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作者:赵绮华 来源:译文

The Year In Food: Artificial Out, Innovation In (And 2 More Trends)

                                           赵绮华   译

Cage-free, antibiotic-free, artificial-free. Sound familiar?


Many of the world's biggest food companies announced major changes this year — in what they purchase and how they manufacture their food.


Many of the big moves we saw came from companies striving to bring more transparency to their supply chain. McDonald's pledged to source chickens raised without antibiotics. Dunkin' Donuts and Costco are switching to cage-free eggs.




Some companies signaled to customers that they were "cleaning up" and simplifying their ingredient lists. Panera ditched dozens of additives. Even Lucky Charms and Butterfingers are getting minor makeovers: General Mills and Nestle said they're removing artificial colors and flavors from their products.


一些公司宣称将“净化”和简化食品成分,Panera减去了几十种添加剂。甚至Lucky Charms Butterfingers也尽量减少了修饰加工:General Mills 和雀巢宣称在他们的产品中将不再使用人工色素和香精。


"Big Food is definitely feeling the pressure," Scott Allmendinger, who consults with food companies for the Culinary Institute of America, told us. Packaged-food companies lost $4 billion in market share last year, according to a Fortune analysis.




A 2015 Nielsen survey found an increasing number of consumers say they're willing to pay a premium for "all natural," "clean" and minimally processed foods. (As we've reported, it's hard to know what any of these terms actually mean. The federal government is soliciting input for how to define "natural.")




And, it seems, these foods marketed as cleaner and more natural are blending into mainstream grocery stores. One example: the success of Kroger's Simple Truth line of products, which focus on "simpler" and organic ingredients.


"Consumers are slowly migrating away" from the center aisle of the grocery store that's filled with processed baked goods and canned foods, says Jack Russo, an analyst with Edward Jones, a financial advisory firm.




At the same time, the sales of foods marketed as "local" have surged to $11 billion a year. The organic and natural sector, including GMO-free and gluten-free, is growing at about 8 to 10 percent a year, says Russo.

Russo sees this trend continuing, with growth continuing in the 6 to 8 percent range for the next few years, he says.


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姓  名:赵绮华 主任医师 副主任

专  长:


出诊: 星期三 上午 星期三 下午

简  介:医学学士,主任医师,注册营养师,农工党员,苏北人民医院临床营养科副主任,扬州市医学会临床营养质控中心副主任委员,扬州市医养结合促进会老年营养分会副主委,江苏省老年医学营养与食品安全委员会副主任委员,江苏省营养学会临床…