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Pelvic Girdle Motions 骨盆带的运动

发布时间:2018-12-26 12:12:46

The joints directly involved in movement of the pelvic girdle include the two hip joints and the lumbar joints, particularly the lumbosacral articulation between L5 and S1. The pelvic motions occur in all three planes. When standing in the upright position, the pelvis should be level; in the sagittal plane, the anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS) and pubic symphysis should be in the same vertical plane. Anterior tilt occurs when the pelvis tilts forward, moving the ASIS anterior to the pubic symphysis. Posterior tilt occurs when the pelvis tilts backward, moving the ASIS posterior to  the pubic symphysis.  
    直接参与骨盆带运动的关节包括两侧髋关节和腰椎关节,特别是L5SI之间的腰关节。骨盆的运动发生在所有三个平面上。直立时,骨盆应呈水平在矢状面上,髂前上棘(ASIS)与耻骨联合应该在同一垂直面上。当骨盆向前倾斜,ASIS移动到耻骨联合前方时,骨盆前倾(anterior tilt)。当骨盆向后倾斜,ASIS移动到耻骨联合后方时,骨盆后倾(posterior tilt)


For the body to remain upright when the pelvis tilts forward, movement in the opposite direction must occur in the joints above and below the pelvis. Therefore, when the pelvis tilts anteriorly, the lumbar portion of the vertebral column goes into hyperextension while the hip joints flex. Thus, when a person with a hip flexion contracture stands in the upright position, the pelvis will tilt anteriorly while the lumbar region becomes hyperextended. Conversely, a person with tight hamstrings may stand with the pelvis tilted posteriorly and lumbar curve flattened.

      In the frontal plane, the iliac crests should be level. Placing your thumbs on the ASISs and determining if your thumbs are at the same level can assess this. Lateral tilt occurs when the two iliac crests are not level. Because the pelvis moves as a unit, one side moves up as the other side moves down.Therefore, a point of reference must be used. The side that is unsupported will be the point of reference. Anotherway of identifying the reference point is to identify the side of the pelvis fartbest from the joint axis. For example, in right unilateral stance, the joint axis would be the right hip. The side of the pelvis farthest away would be the left side.

  在额状面上,两侧髂嵴应该是齐高的。可透过以下方式评估:拇指置于两侧ASIS上,确定拇指是否在同一水平上。两侧骼嵴不在同一水平时发生侧倾(lateral tilt) 。因骨盆作一个整体运动,当侧向上运动时,另侧就向下运动,因此需要使用个参照点。无支撑的那一侧就是所谓的参照点(the side that is unsupported will be the point of reference )。另种确定参照点的方法是,确认离关节轴线最远的那侧骨盆(side of the pelvis farthest from the joint axis)。比如,右腿单支撑时,关节轴线是右髋,最远的那侧骨盆是左边。

 During walking, the pelvis is level when both legs are in contact with the ground. However, when one leg leaves the ground (swing phase), it becomes unsupported and the pelvis on that side drops slightly. It is impossible to drop the pelvis on the weight-bearing side. Therefore, the point of reference for lateral tilt will be the unsupported, or less supported, side, or the side farthest from the weight-bearing joint axis. The person bears weight on the right leg while lifting the left leg from the ground. The left side of the pelvis becomes unsupported and drops, or laterally tilts to the left.


To keep the body balanced, joints directly above and below will shift in the opposite direction. As the pelvis tilts (drops) to the right, the vertebral column laterally bends to the left. While the weight-bearing hip joint (left) adducts, the unsupported hip (right) becomes more abducted.



      Although this discussion has centered on one side of the pelvis dropping below the level of the other side, it is possible to raise the pelvis on the unsupported side. This is commonly called hip hiking.When walking with a long leg cast or brace, this motion assists the foot in clearing the floor during the swing phase. Shifting from one ischial tuberosity to the other also involves raising the pelvis on one side. This is useful in allowing some pressure relief during sitting.

尽管这些讨论着重在低于对侧骨盆的那侧,但非支撑则的骨盆也可能抬高,这就是常说的上抬骨盆(hip hiking)。当穿长腿石膏或支架时,上抬骨盆可帮助足部于摆动期时离开地面。两侧坐骨粗隆间的重心转换,也牵涉到抬高-侧骨盆的动作。该动作对坐姿减压很有用。


      Pelvic rotation occurs in the transverse plane around a vertical axis when one side of the pelvis moves forward or backward in relation to the other side. Looking down on the pelvis, the significant landmarks again are the ASISs. In the anatomical (neutral) position , both ASISs should be in the same plane. With forward rotation of the pelvis, the left leg is weight-bearing and the right leg is swinging forward. Once again, the unsupported side is the point of reference. This causes the right side of the pelvis to rotate forward moving the right ASIS forward of the left ASIS. If the right leg were to swing backward, the pelvis would rotate backward. Stated another way, if you bear weight on your left leg and swing your right leg backward, the right side of your pelvis rotates backward.

骨盆旋转(pelvic rotation)发生在横断面上,一侧骨盆绕垂直轴向前或向后运动时。从上往下看骨盆,最明显的标地还是ASIS。于解剖(中立)位,两侧前上骼棘应该在同一平面内。当骨盆向前旋转时, 左腿支撑,右腿向前摆动。再强调一遍,非支撑侧是参照点(the unsupported side is the point of reference)。这个运动引起右侧骨盆向前旋转,使右侧ASIS移动到左ASIS前方。如果右腿向后摆动,骨盆将向后旋转。换-种说法,如果负重侧是左腿,将右腿向后摆动,骨盆的右侧就向后旋转。


This pelvic rotation is occurring because the pelvis is moving on the weight-bearing hip joint. If there is right forward rotation of the pelvis, there is left hip medial rotation . It should be remembered that this hip medial rotation is occurring because the pelvis is moving on the femoral head, instead of the more common other way around. With right backward rotation of the pelvis, there is left hip lateral rotation.

    由于骨盆在承重的髋关节上运动,所以会发生骨盆旋转。若骨盆向右前方旋转,左侧髋部则内旋。记住,髋内旋发生是因为骨盆在股骨头上运动,而不是更常见的另-种方式 。若骨盆向右后方旋转,左髋则外旋。