Objectives: To assess the effect of inpatient oral nutritional supplement (ONS) use on length of stay, episode cost, and 30-day readmission probability. 口服营养补充剂对住院病人愈后的影响
Study Design: Eleven-year retrospective study (2000 to 2010).
Methods: Analyses were conducted using the Premier Perspectives Database, which contained information on 44.0 million adult inpatient episodes. Using a matched sample of ONS and non-ONS episodes for any inpatient diagnosis, instrumental variables regression analysis was performed to quantify the effect of ONS use on length of stay, episode cost, and probability of approximate 30-day readmission.
此次研究使用的是Premier Perspectives数据库.其中包含了44,000,000个成年住院病人的数据.该实验把使用了口服营养补充剂和未使用口服营养补充剂的住院病人一一配对.试验中使用了辅助变量回归分析来量化口服营养补充剂对住院时间长度、费用及30天内再次入院概率的影响.
Results: Within the database, 1.6% of 44.0 million adult inpatient episodes involved ONS use. Based on a matched sample of 1.2 million episodes, ONS patients had a shorter length of stay by 2.3 days (95% confidence interval [CI] – 2.42 to –2.16), from 10.9 to 8.6 days (21.0% decline), and decreased episode cost of $4734 (95% CI – $4754 to – $4714), from $21,950 to $17,216 (21.6% decline). ONS patients had a reduced probability of early readmission (within 30 days) of 2.3 percentage points (95% CI – 0.027 to – 0.019), from 34.3% to 32.0% (6.7% decline).
Conclusions: Use of ONS decreases length of stay, episode cost, and 30-day readmission risk in the inpatient population.
(Am J Manag Care. 2013;19(2):121-128)
文章来源:Am J Manag Care. 2013;19(2):121-128